Homework protest
May 5, 2014 7:17 am Leave your thoughtsWe recently stumbled upon an article regarding a homework protest whereby a student was protesting against the idea of not getting homework, this is perhaps good because in the past, the notion was students inherently do not like work. With new educational trends, students are eager to study when education is presented in an interesting manner that allows them have fun whilst studying in an informal manner. However, some tutors like the author of the aforementioned article still have the mind-set that students exhibit a nonchalant attitude to academia and this stereotype is detrimental to eager learners. Although, the writer claims that a cram and download approach has worked for many including himself, but we believe that in education, one size does not necessary fit all, the adage that states that “what is good for the goose is good for the gander” does not apply in tutoring and learning as a whole, of what relevance is speed when one is moving in the wrong direction anyway.
Similarly, many scholars have created numerous models to identify and analyse student’s learning style, as far back as 1979, studies carried out by Keefe, argues that “learning styles are characteristic cognitive, effective and psychological behaviours that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with and respond to the learning environment”.. Theoretically, the learning styles have been classified into; the activists (those that like to be involved in new experiences and are enthusiastic about new ideas which makes them enjoy doing things and tend to act first then consider the implications afterwards), the reflectors (learners that tend to view the situation from different perspectives by collecting data and observing others ), the theorists (those that adapt and integrate observations into complex as well as logically sound theories by thinking problems through a step by step approach) and ultimately, the pragmatists( the sort of learners that are eager to try things out and tend to be impatient with lengthy discussions).
Nevertheless, even with these models, there exist small prints and disclaimers whereby scholars still state that although the learning style which suits a learner or tutee is this, pitfalls will still exist since these models do not necessarily “mind the learning gaps”. While everyone has a combination of learning styles, some people have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles. Others may find that they use different styles in different circumstances.
Subsequently, at No1 Tutors, we implement a learning approach that allows our tutees revise using homework. This home works are often left-overs from taught materials. Current survey carried out by the firm (on a sample space of 100 tutees) proved that our tutees enjoy working on their home works as stated by 99% of them; they compare it to having a delicious meal at one’s favourite restaurant and then requesting for a takeaway portion to be consumed later. We ensure taught materials are revised at the tutee’s convenience in an interesting manner, this serves as a reminder, since after tutees are taught, we do not leave any stone unturned in ensuring that they master the subject area. Our tested and trusted methods of identifying different student’s/tutee’s learning styles helps us “mind those learning gaps”; our numerous years of tutoring experience assists us in identifying what works best for YOU, since it’s all about you anyway. Want to find out how we do this? We are just a phone call away.
For further reading and a link to the referred article, please visit (http://metro.co.uk/2014/03/17/excluded-for-wanting-homework-pupil-led-mass-walkout-at-failing-school-put-in-special-measures-by-ofsted-4629182/)
Keefe, J. W. (1979) Learning Style: an overview. In: NASSP’s Student Learning Styles: Diagnosing and Prescribing Programs. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1-17.
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